Pastor Margaret M. Parker, the last of four children born to Joseph R. Parker and Susan R. Parker, was born in the natural on August 28, 1963 in Sumter, South Carolina and born again spiritually so October 16, 1988 in Tacoma, Washington under the ministry of Bishop T.L. Westbrook. As a child growing up, Pastor Parker would at times play church not even realizing the role she was playing as a Pastor would one day come to fruition.
​ In November 1990, Pastor Parker started fulfilling her call to ministry and in June 1994 received her ordination as a licensed Evangelist in the Church Of God In Christ at New Jerusalem Church under her spiritual father and mentors the late Bishop Thomas L. and the late Mother Lois I. Westbrook. While living in Tacoma, Washington, Pastor Parker was an active member at New Jerusalem Church and served as an adult Sunday school teacher, Prayer and Bible Band teacher, Prayer Intercessor, Witnessing Team, and Prison Ministry team at Purdy Correctional Institution for Women. While serving as an Evangelist and serving her country in the United States Air Force, Pastor Parker used that opportunity to evangelize while traveling abroad to places like Korea, Germany and the Middle East seeing souls saved and delivered from the yoke of bondage and sin.
After being honorably discharged from the United States Air Force, Pastor Parker moved to Atlanta, Georgia in November 1998. She served in ministry as an Evangelist until the Lord birthed in her spirit the call to Pastor where Chosen Vessels Of God Ministries, Inc. was established in May 2004, a ministry of healing, deliverance, and restoration. One thing Pastor Parker believes is that we are vessels to be used by God and as long as we allow Him to have His way in us and through us only then can we be the chosen vessels He’s called us to be. Pastor Parker is a woman after the heart of God whom she loves dearly with all her heart, soul, and spirit. When it comes to the things of God, she is truly dedicated and determined to be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the Master’s use.
Pastor Parker studies include two years of ministerial training classes in the Church of God in Christ. She completed her studies at the Institute of Biblical Education and Training in Tacoma, Washington.
Senior Pastor